Singapore Aviation Academy Corporate Brochure
Singapore Aviation Academy
The project called for the rebranding of the corporate brochures for the Singapore Aviation Academy, an internationally-recognised training institution comprising four specialised schools. As a holistic creative solution, shapes and colours were strategically used as visual metaphors for the distinct identities and functions of each of its four specialised schools and graduate programmes. For instance, triangles were chosen to represent the dynamism and direction for the School of Aviation Management, while circles were used for the School of Air Traffic Services, symbolising 360 degree access and control. The synergy of the geometric elements effectively depicts the unique functions and characteristics of the respective schools while coming together to form a unified branding for the Academy.
The design was extended to the folder which was fabricated using polypropylene to contain the set of six brochures and other marketing and promotional collaterals.
Die-cut treatment of the Academy’s logo which served as a lock to hold the folder in place further strengthened the branding.
The final product was a sleek and elegant package befitting the Academy’s status as an internationally-acclaimed training institution in the aviation community.

© 2014