Moving Memories
Achates 360
For Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)’s 80th Anniversary, we replaced the traditional memory walk with a conceptualised installation of mobile walk-in dioramas to provide the public an immersive sensory experience that showcases NAFA’s rich heritage. The dioramas were derived from paintings by famous Singaporean artists who graduated from NAFA.
The three installations travelled around the school’s campus and to various shopping malls, performance halls and college; a total of eight locations around Singapore over the span of five months. This modern “memory walk” aimed not only to engage the public, but to increase awareness for the history of art in Singapore and NAFA’s contribution to it.
Easily digestible snippets of NAFA’s 80 years history were captured in a 16pp “newspaper”-style publication and distributed to the audience to take home.
Representative of the fluidity of art both literally in their physical form, and in illustrating that art could be re-created into different forms (now as posts on social media), the dioramas also demonstrated the continuous re-location in the history of NAFA; capturing its “nomadic” spirit of adventure, moving to new territories and finding and learning new things.
Interactive and colourful diorama modules that allow the audience to walk in and take selfies or wefies with their friends, increasing engagement, and helping them find relevance in today’s modern context.
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© 2018
Moving Memories has won the HKG: DRIVENxDESIGN Gold Winner 2018