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Festive Greetings for Christmas 2021

Charles Monat Associates

Charles Monat is one of the world’s most trusted international life insurance brokers. They offer bespoke advisory and brokerage services for high net-worth clients, affluent families and executives of multinational companies.

As part of Charles Monat Associates' 50th anniversary commitment and based on a belief that every child deserves a future, they partnered with the philanthropic organisation Save the Children, that champions the rights and interests of children worldwide. 

In Sumba, almost 50% of the population do not have direct access to clean water. Children and women must walk up to 7 miles for around 2 to 4 hours to fetch 10-20 litres of water every day. Due to the lack of clean water, Sumba children suffer from diarrhoea and other water-borne related diseases.


Charles Monat used the greetings to invite their clients to give a gift of clean water to families in Sumba. Donates would help build a water reservoir, solar panels and water pipelines to distribute water directly to 2,500 families, 2 schools and a health centre, improving the lives of 31,500 people in Tana Village, Sumba.

The Charles Monat Associates Christmas greetings were inspired and adorned by the drawings from Save the Children (STC) beneficiaries as they shared their wish for clean water this Christmas.

Christmas 2021
Greeting Card Design
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